Sunday, December 27, 2015

How to Care for Sensitive Teeth

Sensitive teeth often make life difficult. For some people, tooth sensitivity causes pain and discomfort that makes eating and drinking painful. Fortunately, sensitive teeth sufferers may get relief with proper treatment.

When drinking cold liquid or eating hot food, people with sensitive teeth will feel pain. This is typically caused when the tooth’s nerve is exposed or when the gums begin to recede and pull away from the teeth. Receding gums leave the roots unprotected and exposed.

Exposed roots lead straight to nerves in the teeth so that whenever any type of pressure or temperature-related food or drink are present, they hit the nerve, which in turn, triggers pain.

What to Do to Prevent Sensitive Teeth

1) Proper brushing – too much pressure during teeth brushing can result in damage and tears within the gums. This may lead to sensitive teeth. Learn how to brush your teeth properly to keep gums healthy and prevent any type of damage that can lead to sensitivity. A soft-bristled toothbrush is best, and some people find sonic toothbrushes helpful in maintaining healthy gums and teeth.

2) Use special toothpaste – many toothpaste companies now offer toothpaste options that contain potassium nitrate, a substance that reduces pain associated with tooth sensitivity.

3) Discover mouthwash – ask your dentist what mouthwash he or she recommends for daily use. Some have special ingredients to help with pain, and they all kill bacteria that cause certain tooth and gum conditions.

4) Talk to your dentist – your dental office will be able to advise you on the latest procedures and care that will be helpful in preventing or decreasing tooth pain and sensitivity.

If you’re suffering from pain and sensitivity in your teeth, schedule an appointment with your dentist, who can make recommendations that fit your needs.

For dental care in Newington or Fairfield County area of Connecticut, call East Cedar Dental at (860) 667-0875 for an appointment today.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Cosmetic Dental Surgery: Top 4 Things to Consider

If the appearance of your teeth keeps you from smiling, then you’re probably interested in learning more about cosmetic dental procedures. Finding a dentist that specializes in cosmetic dental surgery will ensure that you obtain the right dental care for the best results and in a safe and effective manner.

Here are four considerations to take in account when you are contemplating cosmetic dental procedures such as veneers, dental implants or teeth whitening.

1) Your primary care dentist may already offer cosmetic dental services. Contact your dental office to determine what services your current dentists provides and how frequently they perform the procedures. That way you’ll understand the experience level of your personal dentist and whether your provider performs cosmetic dental procedures daily or just a few times each month.

2) If you prefer a specialist, ask your primary care dentists for recommendations. You may also consult with friends, family members or colleagues to find out more about any cosmetic dentists they recommend in your local area.

3) Once you obtain recommendations, research potential cosmetic dentists you are considering. Many times you will find information on their websites such as the types of procedures performed, average rates and even before & after pictures. Check the qualifications and numbers of years in dentistry as well.

4) Research cost. Cosmetic surgery isn’t covered by insurance for many patients although some procedures are. For instance, some insurance companies cover veneers in order to reduce long-term dental care costs. Don’t assume. Call your insurer to find out what is covered by your policy, and also ask the dentist about payment options for those procedures that insurance will not cover.
The next step is to schedule a consultation appointment so that the dentist may go over your options and help you make the right decision for your needs.

East Cedar Dental provides cosmetic dental services to improve your smile and dental health. We offer Invisalign braces, bonded fillings, porcelain veneers and more. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about our dental services for families in West Hartford, Berlin, Wethersfield and Newington, Connecticut.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

YouTube Like: ClearChoice Dental Implants: Getting Back Your Life

ClearChoice Dental Implants: Getting Back Your Life

You may also view on YouTube here:

Saturday, November 28, 2015

9 Things You Should Definitely Know if You're Considering Invisalign

You know you've seen the commercials: Someone is self-conscious about their teeth-baring smile, but then they get Invisalign...and suddenly they're grinning like a maniac. Experts agree that it can seriously straighten your teeth, and that’s why a lot of people really like it, says Kristen Berning, a dentist and Invisalign provider at Exceptional Dentistry of the Tri-State Region in Dubuque, Iowa.

The process involves a series of clear, plastic aligners, each worn for two weeks, that gradually shift your teeth.  So could it be an option for you? Here’s what you need to know.

1. Almost Everyone Is a Candidate
Want to fix that overbite? Most people can use Invisalign, say dentists. But you should be extra-careful and consult your dental or orthodontic professional if you have a history of gum problems, loose teeth, or Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, a condition that causes pain in the jaw. Other than that, the teeth in most healthy teen and adults can be successfully adjusted through the process, which can take anywhere from four months to a few years. However….

2. In Some Cases, Braces Might Be a Better Choice
Invisalign aligners are clear, a huge plus for those of us mortified by the prospect of metal brackets on our teeth. The process can also work faster than traditional braces because the trays cover the entire tooth, not just the front part, potentially moving things along at a higher clip. That being said, for serious overcrowding or very twisted teeth, traditional braces may still prove the better fix. Both options can cause soreness, but experts agree that Invisalign is generally more comfortable because there aren't wires potentially poking your cheeks.

3. A Dentist or an Orthodontist Can Treat You
Both can provide Invisalign, even though it’s technically an orthodontic procedure. One thing to consider: the severity of the corrections you're looking into.,,,

Read the rest of 9 things to consider about Invisalign at:

Related article: My Invisalign progress - eps 2